holy mama fall immersion: thin veil medicine

many traditional cultures engage in ceremony, prayer and ritual this time of year. they know, bone know, that the veil between the visible and invisible is thin, more accessible. if we, in western culture, do not pause, reflect and connect communally, we miss the teachings, inspirations and warnings of the invisible. gathering with this intention is an invitation, maybe even our responsibility as mamas, to take what was given to us as threads and collectively reweave, repair and renew a way of being that leans in the direction of living culture. maybe.

in this day long immersion we will center moving, breathing, sharing and unlearning together. here we risk letting go of distraction and numbness for the possibility of touching aliveness. the texts of study will be the stretches we experience in and with our bodies, the cycles and seasons we are inhabiting, and relationality in all her complex layers. together we will enter and explore this landscape, strengthening and deepening our connection to each other, other species, other than humans and the living, breathing land.

date: november 2 | time: 11am - 7pm

fee: $200 | location: my home in new paltz 

rsvp: please venmo me to hold your space.

i need a minimum of 10 mamas by oct 15th. there are 16 spots.

holy mama summer immersion: illumination medicine

june holds the seasonal transition note of spring into summer, she connects us with solstice. soul. the intelligence that moves from the land in and through each of us, pays attention and is enlivened by moments of transition. these are portals, thresholds, openings where the known and the unknown meet and mingle. inside and out. however, there is a catch and etymology gives us a clue. solstice comes from the latin, sol "the sun" and sistere the ability "to stand still," meaning the sun appears to stand still. the invitation is, will we?

our deep time ancestors have marked this climax of light communally in ceremony, prayer, ritual and celebration for thousands of generations. can we pick up the threads barely visible in modernity and restitch our separation or severance from seasonal literacy into a form of deep living that honors humans entangled with each other, the other than human and more than human? this form of revolutionary restoration is the type of repair that inspires living culture. maybe. the inquiry of our communal unfolding will center the question, "what do we need all this light to see?" 

date: june 21st 2025

time: 11am - 7pm

location: my home

fee: $200

rsvp: please venmo me by may 1st. i need a minimum of 10 mamas. and no more than 16.

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